Hello Dear Ones,
We are excited to announce our upcoming series focus…. Yoga for Bone 🦴 Health!!! Progressively with slow mindful awareness, we’ll explore how to do weight bearing poses to build strength and aid balance 🤪. Just as important, we’ll learn what movements are to be avoided when concerned 🤔 about osteoporosis or aging in general. Since we are body, mind and spiritual beings…more than muscles and bones…. Our “Whole Health” yoga practice is designed to benefit Our “Whole Beings”.

Whole Health Yoga
It’s an inside job focused on discovering how to best care for yourself through awareness, movement, breath, meditation and relaxation. And the best gift 💝 of all, is learning how to merge the wisdom discovered on the mat into your daily life. As Whole Health yoga teachers, we can help folks use yoga:
- to support respiratory system function.
- as a complementary tool for mental health challenges.
- to build greater self-awareness.
- for self-care.
- to develop a greater sense of agency.
- for nervous system self-regulation.
- for spiritual growth.
- for stress reduction.
- for health promotion.
Class Schedules
Click below to enlarge the calendar.

Meet Cristal Lidwell
“I have been teaching yoga for many years and I love seeing my students transform their lives. Having struggled for most of my life with many insecurities, I understand how it feels to try something new. At the age of 50, after 17 years as a yoga student, I decided to become a teacher because yoga had offered me so much and helped me to grow in so many ways. I still consider myself a student and I work at learning new ways to practice and teach yoga. Yoga is a gift to myself and I am so happy to be able to share this gift with my students at Bloom.”
Cristal has her 200 hour certification from Anjali Yoga teacher training and is currently advancing her education towards her 500 hour certification at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.
Cristal has studied with Lee Albert, Sudha, Angela Farmer, Joyce Peirce, Rudy Peirce from Kripalu; in addition to Yoganand, Tiffany Chan, Shari Friederichsen, and Dr. Carrie Demers.

Meet Koelle Williams
Koelle began her personal meditation practice nine years ago and completed the 6 week Mindfulness course presented by Allegheny Mindfulness Fall 2018. Koelle has also has been extensively trained in mindfulness, including a seven-week online credentialing course called The Power of Awareness by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.
Koelle says, “I have been personally amazed by the power of mindfulness in my meditation practice, but even more so in my daily life and relationships.”
“One of the most valuable lessons for me has been that mindfulness is a practice, in the full sense of the word. There’s no need to fear failure or to become upset over set-backs, because we are all human, and each moment that does not happen exactly as I want is still an opportunity to learn and begin again. How freeing is that!”
“I’m so excited to be a part of the Bloom community, and to share the the gifts that mindfulness has given to me with others. As Ram Dass said, ‘We are all just walking each other home.’ What a blessing to walk hand in hand with those you love.”
Koelle has been co-facilitating a mindfulness meditation group with Tony Pater since July 2019.

Meet Tony Pater
Anthony Pater is a Pennsylvania certified alcohol and drug counselor and certified co-occurring disorders professional. He has worked in various settings including group homes, prisons, adolescent detention centers, and public schools throughout Blair County.
Tony has been practicing mindfulness meditation for the last 15 years, taken numerous workshops on the subject including “mindfulness in recovery” with Buddhist monk and author John Bruna at the Mindful Life Program in Carbondale, Colorado, and taught mindfulness stress reduction locally for Allegheny Mindfulness.
He currently has a private practice in Hollidaysburg, PA working with people and families who experience substance use disorders and mental health problems, utilizing formal and informal mindfulness-based skills and interventions to assist his patients in the recovery process.
Meet Our Teachers

Sharon Green
ERYT-500, Director, Yoga Teacher

Cristal Lidwell
RYT-200, Teacher

Koelle Williams
Mindfulness Meditation Instructor

Tony Pater
Mindfulness Meditation Instructor
Get In Touch